United States securities and exchange commission logo

                             May 28, 2024

       Marc Stapley
       Chief Executive Officer
       Veracyte, Inc.
       6000 Shoreline Court, Suite 300
       South San Francisco, California 94080

                                                        Re: Veracyte, Inc.
                                                            Form 10-K for
Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2023
                                                            Form 8-K Filed May
7, 2024
                                                            File No. 001-36156

       Dear Marc Stapley:

              We have limited our review of your filings to the financial
statements and related
       disclosures and have the following comments.

              Please respond to this letter within ten business days by
providing the requested
       information or advise us as soon as possible when you will respond. If
you do not believe a
       comment applies to your facts and circumstances, please tell us why in
your response.

                                                        After reviewing your
response to this letter, we may have additional comments.

       Form 10-K for Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2023

       Consolidated Financial Statements
       Note 5. Balance Sheet Components, Intangible Assets, Net, page 100

   1.                                                   We reference the
disclosure here and throughout the filing that you recognized
                                                        impairment for certain
long-lived assets related to the HalioDx biopharmaceutical services
                                                        developed technology,
customer relationships and customer backlog finite-lived intangible
                                                        assets due to "a
significant change in the business environment." In future filings, please
                                                        provide more context
regarding the nature and impact of any triggering events that require
                                                        assessment for
impairment of your intangible assets.
 Marc Stapley
FirstName  LastNameMarc Stapley
Veracyte, Inc.
May        NameVeracyte, Inc.
     28, 2024
May 28,
Page 2 2024 Page 2
FirstName LastName
Form 8-K filed on May 7, 2024

Exhibit 99.1
Reconciliation of U.S.GAAP to Non-GAAP Financial Measures

2.       Your presentation of the reconciliation of U.S. GAAP to non-GAAP
         measures gives the appearance of a full non GAAP income statement.
Please note that the
         presentation of a full non- GAAP income statement, or a presentation
that gives the
         appearance of one, may place undue prominence on the non-GAAP
information. Under
         Question 102.10(c) of the C&DI's on Non-GAAP Financial Measures, a
         income statement is considered to be one that is comprised of non-GAAP
measures and
         includes all or most of the line items and subtotals found in a GAAP
         statement. Confirm to us that you will not present full non-GAAP
consolidated income
         statements or their equivalents in future filings.
3.       As a related matter, if you continue to present non-GAAP total
operating costs excluding
         costs of revenue in future filings, please revise to reconcile to the
most comparable
         GAAP measure, as required by Item 10(e)(1)(i) of Regulation S-K.
4.       With reference to Note 1. to the Reconciliation of U.S. GAAP to
Non-GAAP Financial
         Measures, please tell us the nature and composition of the non-GAAP
         for post-combination compensation expenses. Tell us how you determined
it is
         appropriate to adjust for such payments in the determination of your
non-GAAP measures
         and clarify how such compensation differs from other compensation paid
to employees
         and management. Refer to Question 100.01 of the Commission's
Compliance and
         Disclosure Interpretation for Non-GAAP measures.
       In closing, we remind you that the company and its management are
responsible for the
accuracy and adequacy of their disclosures, notwithstanding any review,
comments, action or
absence of action by the staff.

       Please contact Christie Wong at 202-551-3684 or Kristin Lochhead at
202-551-3664 with
any questions.


                                                             Division of
Corporation Finance
                                                             Office of
Industrial Applications and